Collaborate seamlessly with Biteable’s collaboration tools

Two characters engaged in a professional online chat discussing a monthly metrics report with email data added.

Trusted by 9+ million people and over 10,000 companies

Create, review, and approve videos as a team

Create together without leaving Biteable. It’s video creation built for teams.

Notifications for content updates and interactions in a team collaboration platform.

Collaborative editing

Shared projects give your whole team access to better videos. Work together to create the perfect project at lightning speed.

Optimize organization

Keep your team and your videos organized with shared folders. Sort your videos by project, department, or team member — it’s all up to you.

A graphic showing a 'personal' organizational structure with a 'team' category at the center, which branches out into four departments: marketing, hr, operations, and training, featuring profile icons for team members.
Presentation slide titled "monthly report september 2022" with bar graph and positive feedback comments from viewers.

Comments and feedback

Built-in commenting lets you gather feedback from your team or audience. Comment on your team’s videos before they’re live, or turn on commenting from everyone on your finished product.


“The big thing for us is how customizable Biteable is. Like most companies, we have specific fonts, colors, music, animations, etc. Knowing we can upload all of our assets into a library we can pull from — even build templates. That’s what won us over.”

Create and collaborate with Biteable’s collaboration tools